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Five Essential Steps for Choosing the Right Control Panel

In a helpful article, Dr. Mathew Liotine, Associate Professor of Information and Decision Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, reviews the relationship between control panel quality and the total cost of ownership.

Dr. Liotine elaborates that calculating the total cost of ownership requires that you consider the entire product lifecycle – from commissioning to disposal.

The total cost of ownership includes costs associated with maintenance, repair and loss expectancy. Panels of lower quality may require frequent repair. There is also the very real possibility of loss due to work stoppage.

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Five Essential Steps for Choosing the Right Control Panel

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Article Written by

Photo: Matthew Liotine, Ph.D.

Dr. Matthew Liotine, Ph.D.
Innovating enterprises with technology strategy
The University of Illinois at Chicago, Professor

Choosing the right control panel for your manufacturing operation is crucial. Control panels are the nerve center of your facility, managing everything from equipment startups to complex operations. While initial savings on a cheaper panel might seem appealing, the long-term costs of these compromises can far outweigh any short-term financial gains. Make the smart choice for your business’s future – invest in a control panel that will ensure efficiency and reliability. Discover how to make the best decision for your operation in our latest blog post.

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